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To see or not to see: explaining intolerance against the "Burqa" in European public space.


Why has the face veil become the centre of political debates about Islam in urban contexts? What kinds of experiences and ideas have animated its framing as a practice in need of regulation? Focusing on Spain, we argue that space and emotion are the key categories for explaining the micro-politics of face veil conflicts and that constitute face veiling as an object of contention "on the ground". We suggest the notion of regimes of public space and highlight three central components: (1) understandings of ideal public space; (2) regimes of urban visibility; (3) emotional regimes. Taken together, these dimensions filter forms of inclusion and exclusion that emerge from regulatory practices and feed into graduated forms of urban citizenship and frame people's sensibilities. The article also illustrates how the spatial analysis complicates the secular-religious dichotomy.

摘要: 為什么伊斯蘭面紗成為城市背景下有關(guān)伊斯蘭教的政治辯論的中心話(huà)題?什么樣的經(jīng)驗和想法使佩戴面紗成為一種需要監管的實(shí)踐?以西班牙為研究對象,我們認為空間和情感是解釋面紗沖突微觀(guān)政治的關(guān)鍵范疇,它們把面紗變成了公開(kāi)爭論的對象。我們提出公共空間體制的概念,并強調三個(gè)核心要素:(1)對理想公共空間的理解;(2)城市可見(jiàn)度體制;(3)情感體制。總而言之,這些維度過(guò)濾了從監管實(shí)踐中產(chǎn)生的包容和排斥形式,并將其轉化為城市公民身份的漸進(jìn)形式,并塑造了人們的情感。本文還闡述了空間分析法如何使得世俗宗教二分法復雜化。

?作者: Burchardt, Marian; Griera, Mar

作者單位: Department of Sociology, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany

2Department of Sociology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

來(lái)源: Ethnic & Racial Studies. Apr 2019, Vol. 42 Issue 5, p726-744. 19p.


版權所有:中國社會(huì )科學(xué)院民族學(xué)與人類(lèi)學(xué)研究所
網(wǎng)站技術(shù)支持:中國社會(huì )科學(xué)院民族學(xué)與人類(lèi)學(xué)研究所網(wǎng)絡(luò )信息中心
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